Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400

Uncanny Challenges

A note from our president on September 02

Praise the Lord for the customers that trust us to execute their high-profile jobs no matter what time of day it is. Praise God for their willingness and loyalty to use us time and time again and for the wind in our sail that this encouragement brings. The fact that we have been led to the right employees and the right resources suited in finding and delivering the impossible, is nothing short of the Holy Spirit. The reality of our families putting up with 6-day 100-hour work weeks is nothing short of the perfect provision given by Jesus Christ Himself. It is simply not possible to do what we do without the entire engine firing on all cylinders and God Almighty in the driver’s seat.

I have friends and colleagues inquire from time to time about the things we procure, and our willingness to sell them, in order to wash a customer’s feet. The actual dollar amount remains insignificant as Who we are working for takes center stage. I am confident that each opportunity presented has been graciously given to us by the Creator and is a form of daily bread, and as long as there is oxygen in these lungs, the word “no” will be absent from that vocabulary. The challenge presented in finding the uncanny has yielded one grand classroom and I am grateful to be a student in the center of it.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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