Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400

Timing is everything

A note from our president on August 28

Praise the Lord for another week of ideal timing. The past seven days have been filled with perfectly positioned blessings and wisdom as doors continue to open and close on life’s road to glory. Celebrations and disappointments seem to be synonymous with one another and no sooner than when I have life by the horns, do I sense something sharp coming up behind me. Praise Jesus for His control of it all and the knowledge both scenarios seem to exhaust.

Like a mid-summer shower, there are times when supplies seem to flood our parking lot. And then, sort of like the weather of late, others when we can’t get a drop. My trust often subsides, and my faithfulness rides the fence. My commitment to follow hangs in the balance as I do everything in my power to understand the mind of God. The deliberation is interrupted as another piece of quail lands in my lap and another subtle reminder is voiced from the heavens as to just how wide His goodness really is. His agape love stands taller than any mountain ever could and His rivers of nourishment flow like a waterfall into my unsteady hands. The why continues to remain firmly planted just outside of my grip and I assume the answer will carry on with its elusion until another level of insight perforates that fringe. But for now, one thing remains crystal clear in this race for the finish line. There is nothing else I will ever need, and no vice of any kind will ever fill my lungs the way His word bestows. His mercy follows me all of my days and He alone is worthy of anything good my life could ever possibly offer.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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