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A note from our president on Monday, July 27, 2020

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matthew 19:14

Earlier today my 10-year-old invited me to hang out in his man cave and just ‘be boys.’ I was not in the mood to be outside because of the storm clouds overhead and my impending selfish need for ‘me’ time.

The ‘hanging out’ lasted about three minutes and another project was underway in which he needed my help. This turned into another irritation because of the speed in which he wanted the help and the accuracy and time consumption the help required. Add to this the fact that our two-year-old was outside and required a different level of attention and protection altogether. To sum it up in one word I was bothered by the inconvenience of it all.

Looking at this passage of scripture I see the disciples reacting to the children coming to Jesus in the exact same way. In their minds these children were bothering their teacher and rather than inconvenience Jesus they felt it their duty to turn the children away.

The last thing I ever want is for my children to think they are a bother. The last thing I ever want is for my children to think I do not have time for them. My tone, lack of patience and selfishness, today, disgusted me.

Praise God Jesus makes time for me. Praise God my questions are not met with impatience or harsh tones. Praise God when He sees me coming it is Him who runs to me. Praise God for the conviction today. Praise God for the forgiveness everyday.

My job is to lay down my life, my selfishness and my ‘me’ time. My job is to love God and love my neighbor, which often times resembles those closest to me. ‘For all of the law and the prophets hang on these.’

ADI Analyzer Pumps

Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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