Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400

Singing God's Praises

A note from our president on November 07, 2022

Praise God for last week’s perfect provision of daily bread and another round of learning to trust when two plus two does not equal four. While the manna does seem to jump into the net at times, being the recipient is not always a blue sky and a calm sea. As our checking account is depleted and the wait for payment can extend out more than half of a year, sitting at the dinner table unable to eat happens more than you think for this business owner. Staring at the ceiling is common practice and at times, the concerns are suffocating. My folly is trusting in what I can see and in what I know, often failing to understand that God’s compass reading is fuzzy and most of the time, void of any logic.

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it and the Holy Spirit has to constantly remind me of Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and Who actually trained the raven to deliver it. These promises are not unrelatable toddler stories of the past and have not been omitted from Scripture just because their first inception was old law theology. Just like my children, sometimes the necessity for an answer lies an inch beyond the fold of my rudimentary willingness to ask for help.

I will sing from the rooftops of His timing and praise the one true God alone Who answers these requests for oxygen, in the nick of time, that is absent of all common sense. It amazes me how fast the wind returns to the sail and how quickly the waves subside. His response and the result from it leave me on my knees with tears in my eyes and a vertical perspective that is unrivaled by any perception my fallible mind can imagine. My cup overflows with a peace that extends well beyond understanding and what is even more unbelievable is the number of times He continues to do it. He is worthy. He alone is worthy.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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