Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400

Finding Water in the Desert

A note from our president on March 16, 2023

Praise God for continued streams of emerald water in the midst of the barren wasteland. I have been left completely speechless by the timing of His goodness, and how it enters the fringe in the first place. The drought-like conditions have left me parched almost every day this past week due to factors both in and out of my control and yet heaven has still found a season to celebrate my imminent arrival despite the number of times I lack trust and return to the well.

This past week has been rough. It started with a 30-year friendship deeming “the business” more important than our history together and ended with a tenant destroying one of our rental properties. My heart and mind have been hurting as I contemplate what is happening and why. Looking for a reprieve at night when I close my eyes, I only find more angst and stress as I play back each scenario wondering if I could have done anything differently and what impact the expense may have.

Hitting my knees and seeking advice on both fronts it’s no surprise the Holy Spirit continues to lead me to the high road. As much as I would love to retaliate, strategize and stockpile, my eyes are no longer fixated on worldly gain. My body no longer craves what it can see. I am finding there is an immediate need to depart from the old Trey as quickly as possible, leaving behind any evidence that he was even here in the first place. I continue to give both my family and my customers the full monty, washing feet and funneling resources as best as this earthly body can, but every day I grow more fond of home.

Praise God Jehovah I have not received everything I have prayed for. Just like the regulation of toys with my children, He has done the same with the emergence of heaven’s gifts. His timing and the amount of milk and honey provided, remain impeccable and the lesson along the way leaves me longing for another day in the classroom. He alone is the oxygen to my lungs and the nutrients in my bloodstream, and because of His overflowing provision of living water, I will never thirst again.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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